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About me:


My name is Guy Hautier, photographer based in Halle, Belgium, I started with analogue photography years ago. Due to circumstances I had to stop.

When the first digital cameras hit the market, I picked up where I left. I wanted to know everything about digital photography and decided to study it at the real "COOVI photography school" in Anderlecht. That's where I nurtured a true love and passion. After seven years of evening courses, I graduated as a photographer with an approved diploma.

After exploring the different areas of photography, I found that people have always been at the center of my work. This made it seem like a natural choice to focus on weddings, portrait, fashion and model photography. I am also very familiar with shootings and corporate reports

My hobby has now become my profession in which I mainly accept assignments on a freelance basis.

In 2015 I was the first prize winner of the great COOVI photo competition with my product photo "Bottles Upside Down".

Have I reached my ultimate goal? Certainly not. A quote from Mick Schoonveld describes it perfectly: "I still have to take my best photo." To be honest, I hope it will be a long time before this photo is taken.

I also regularly test new techniques, especially those that play with light and regularly attend workshops with well-known photographers from the photography world.

© 2019 Belgian Professionnal Photographer


                 Guy Hautier: all rights reserved

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